Kate Wrigglesworth

The Magical Woodland

Fairy tales and mythology tell stories of fairies and “the little people” in the woods. It’s easy to imagine them flying through the trees in the winter light and the frosty landscape.

A Winter’s Night

The time leading up to Christmas is so exciting, especially for small children. This year the cold snap really added to the atmosphere. In this painting I wanted to convey the chilly weather alongside the added movement of the animals in the landscape.

Working in my studio during Advent, Christmas 2022

The Christmas trees are up and I have finished my events for the year. Most of my orders have been sent and I just have a few more jobs to do. I really enjoy Advent, seeing family and friends including time to paint.

Winter Woodland Animals

When we walk in the woodlands and forests you can sense the animals around you. Sometimes you can hear the caw of a raven or little scuttling sounds in the undergrowth. It’s lovely to think of the little creatures nestled underground and cosy in their nests.

Autumnal Gardens

This small painting was inspired by the changing seasons from summer into autumn and the impending winter. Although the gardens are a little bare and many of the summer flowers have died I still see some winter vegetables and I feel optimistic for bulbs that will flower in spring.

Salcombe harbour

This painting of Salcombe harbour began when I was demonstrating painting in gouache and running a workshop for an art group in Nottingham. I needed a bit more time and finished it back home in the comfort of my studio.

A Partridge in a Pear Tree

“The twelve days of Christmas” has always been one of my favourite Christmas songs ever since I was a child. This could the first illustration for the song, only eleven more to go!

Will-o’-the wisp

I have never seen Will-o’-the-wisp but I can imagine it when I walk through our nearby woodland. It is very atmospheric in the early evening light of dusk especially in Autumn and Winter.

Exhibiting at the Mac, Birmingham

Last Sunday I exhibited at the Mac Arts Market. I enjoy going back to Birmingham because I read Theatre Design at Birmingham City University and lived in Moseley for some years afterwards. I’m just beginning to feel a bit “Christmassy” and took along some Christmas cards and Christmas wrapping paper.

Cottage Garden with Chickens

We used to have chickens when we were growing up and I often think fondly of them. They were like pets and they all had names. We used to collect the eggs for breakfast, sometimes hunting around the garden to find their hidden nests.